As soon as we catch our breath and start to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations worldwide will evaluate their crisis preparedness. A plenitude of crisis plans will be written to deal with not least pandemics, but we will also see that organizations are reviewing their incident and crisis preparedness within IT.
We Have Gradually Lowered Our Guard
Many countries in the world today are not exposed to wars, natural disasters, and other extreme situations. It’s a part of human nature to gradually lower one’s guard when a threat decreases or completely disappears. That a pandemic could hit us this hard is something that came as a huge surprise to many, and accordingly, the preparedness to efficiently respond to cyberattacks have been generally very poor. The picture that we see clearly in front of us is strikingly similar to the one we see within IT security. Since most organizations have not yet been hit by a serious IT incident, their cyber security defense is dimensioned accordingly.
A Knockout & Wake-Up Call
COVID-19 should be a wake-up call for many organizations. What you never thought could happen is now proven can happen, and it's probably just a matter of time before it happens. At Holm Security, we have maintained that IT security must be given higher priority for many, many years. Our message today feels even more relevant. Let's hope your organization rises after the COVID-19 knockout. But can you take another hit - just when you struggle to get back up on your feet? The importance to strengthen your cyber security defense has never been higher. The criminals will not wait. They will take advantage of the general confusion when the focus is directed elsewhere.
The Most Efficient Way to Improve Your Cyber Security Defense
Holm Security has a holistic methodology. For a reasonable investment of time and money, we help your organization build a human firewall and automatically and continuously find vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure. Our platform is the fastest route to a hugely improved cyber security defense.
Ready to Accelerate Your Cyber Security Defense?

Stefan Thelberg
Founder and CEO of Holm Security. Stefan is one of Sweden's most prominent cyber security entrepreneurs. With nearly 25 years of experience, he is a seasoned professional.