Navigating Safe Routes with
Next-Gen Vulnerability Management

In an era where transportation is a prime cyber-attack target, the stakes extend beyond data protection— they encompass the preservation of human life and the sustainment of unwavering public confidence. Every lingering vulnerability is an invitation to adversaries, from solitary hackers to advanced state-backed entities. Elevate your defense and guarantee a secure operational environment with our Next-Gen Vulnerability Management Platform.

Addressing Key Cyber Security Challenges for the Transport Sector

Ransomware Attacks

The specter of ransomware looms large over the transportation sector. More than a mere inconvenience, these attacks can paralyze operations, holding critical systems hostage and extorting hefty sums to release their stranglehold.

Limited Security Investment

In the race for operational efficiency, cybersecurity can sadly fall by the wayside. Transportation entities may not always prioritize digital defense, resulting in constrained budgets and significant expertise voids in this critical area.

Supply Chain Vulnerability

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Third-party suppliers and contractors with potentially lenient security protocols can inadvertently open backdoors, introducing a cascade of vulnerabilities throughout transportation infrastructures.

Employee Training

A strong defense isn't solely about advanced tools. Without proper training and awareness, employees can inadvertently become the weakest link, susceptible to manipulative tactics like phishing or neglecting cyber hygiene best practices.


Flag of the European Union in front of Parliament in Brussels Belgium
GDPR - Symbol General data protection regulation above laptop keyboard

Get Ready for NIS2

Within the complex web of modern infrastructure, transportation – spanning urban transit, rural roadways, and inter-regional air travel – stands out as an integral component underpinning both society and our global economy. The forthcoming NIS2 directive categorically recognizes the transport sector as vital. We'll help you adhere to the NIS2 requirements. 

  • Unleash the Power of Risk Assessment

    Prioritize security gaps and address new risks continuously to stay ahead of cyber threats. Our platform offers incident reporting for incidents and vulnerabilities, allowing you to monitor your security and proactively identify trends. 
  • Ensure Business Continuity

    Our platform enables you to easily identify vulnerabilities, minimize risk, and maintain compliance with just a few clicks. With our help, you can navigate the complexities of NIS compliance with ease, leaving you free to focus on what really matters - growing your business.

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GDPR Compliance Made Simple

With Holm Security, you can get a comprehensive assessment of vulnerabilities across your entire attack surface. Our solution can help your security team to efficiently reduce risks. Identify and safeguard systems that store and use sensitive data, preventing GDPR fines.

  • Prioritize Systems Handling Personal Data

    Tag specific systems that process personal data as more important than other systems, amplifying the risk score of the asset and ensuring that the vulnerabilities found on these assets are prioritized for remediation.
  • Keep Tabs on the Remediation Progress

    Integrate with ticketing solutions like JIRA and ServiceNow to seamlessly fold remediation into your IT team’s existing workflow and ensure SLAs are met, and GDPR systems are patched in a timely manner.

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Start Your NIS2 Compliance Journey
Try Our Platform for Free Today!


Empower Your Security Team
& Maximize Efforts

Holm Security delivers the broadest coverage and most thorough assessment of vulnerabilities across your entire attack surface. By leveraging our solution, your security resources can make a greater impact on risk reduction with minimal effort. 

  • See Your Entire Attack Surface 

    Gain precise comprehension of all assets and vulnerabilities across your entire attack surface. This includes dynamic assets such as smart traffic management systems, fleet vehicles, and transportation mobile apps that can be located anywhere and often fall outside the scope of traditional VM tools. With increased visibility, you can prioritize mitigation efforts and guarantee comprehensive protection.
  • Transform Your Organization's Cyber Defense

    Don't waste your time on vulnerabilities that don't pose a real threat. Our Unified Vulnerabilities view lets you track all risks in one place, including network, web, device, and phishing recipients. The new threat score prioritizes vulnerabilities for technical and human assets, making risk management easier.
Holm Security Unified View

Get A Complete Picture of Your Cyber Security Defense

By choosing our Vulnerability Management Platform, you're not only protecting your organization from cyber threats but also gaining a competitive advantage. Demonstrate your commitment to security excellence and regulatory compliance, building trust with your customers and partners alike.
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Scan every potential entry point for attackers. Efficiently monitor and manage all of your systems, applications, endpoints, and employees.

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Up your security game with fast and accurate scans, and prioritize the vulnerabilities that truly put you at risk from the ones that don’t.

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Cut down on unnecessary headaches with straightforward risk in real-time right from your dashboard. Measure and communicate progress effectively.

See For Yourself
Try Our Platform for Free Today!

Why Choose Our Vulnerability Management Solution?

Industry Expertise

Our solution is designed to tackle the security challenges inherent in your industry, providing a robust shield against both current and emerging threats.

Minimal Disruption with Maximum Protection

Our solution is implemented seamlessly into your existing infrastructure, providing robust protection without interrupting your day-to-day business operations. 

Comprehensive Threat Detection

Our comprehensive platform provides exceptional visibility and insight, encompassing all assets, technical and human.  Maximize your efforts and reduce business-critical risks with the least amount of effort. 

Ready to Accelerate Your Cyber Security Defense? 
Book a Consultation Meeting Today!