New NIS2 requirements for cyber hygiene
Research shows that over 90% of all incidents start with a human element. As a response, the EU has included cyber hygiene practices and cyber security training as part of the NIS2 Directive.
Cyber hygiene measures
Cyber hygiene refers to the measures individuals and organizations take to maintain good cyber security health and protect their digital environments from cyber threats. It involves taking proactive and preventive steps to reduce the risk of cyberattacks and ensure the overall security of information systems.
Article 21 (2G)
Basic cyber hygiene practices and cyber security training.
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NIS2 Reference Guide
Key aspects of cyber hygiene
Data backups
Access control
IoT security
Mobile security
Password management
Software updates & patching
Secure Wi-Fi best practices
Incident response planning
Secure web browsing
Compliance with regulations
Phishing awareness & employee training
Firewall & security software
(e.g. anti-virus)
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Getting you ready for NIS2 compliance

What is NIS2 & how will it affect your organization?
Under the NIS2 Directive, more entities and sectors will be required to take steps that will aid in improving cyber security in Europe. In addition to addressing supply chain security, NIS2 streamlines reporting obligations introduces stricter supervisory measures, and introduces more enforcement requirements.

How the NIS2 cyber security Directive will impact you
As part of this webinar, we will be joined by Anders Jonson, a cyber security expert and Senior Advisor at ENISA, who has been involved in the development of NIS2 for the EU.

NIS2 Reference Guide: Securing critical infrastructure
Our NIS2 Reference Guide is packed with essential insights and lays out actionable steps for organizations to take for compliance.