NIS & NIS2 in Norway

Norway is a part of the European Economic Area (EEA) and follows the EU's recommendation to implement NIS and NIS2.


NIS2 & the EEA

Norway is not part of the EU but the European Economic Area (EEA) to access the EU market. Norway usually adopts all EU regulations and directives for access to the EU markets. The EU marks the NIS2 Directive as EEA-relevant.

"Digitalsikkerhets-loven" Aligned with the First Version of NIS

The implementation of the first Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive in Norway involved several steps to enhance the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure and essential services. Norway, though not an EU member, chose to implement the NIS Directive to align with European cybersecurity standards and ensure robust protection for its digital infrastructure. The local law in Norway is called "Lov om digital sikkerhet" or "Digitalsikkerhetsloven".

Read more about "Digitalsikkerhetsloven"

Transition to NIS2 in Norway

Norway is currently in the process of aligning with the NIS2 Directive, which introduces more comprehensive and stringent cybersecurity requirements, including broader sector coverage and enhanced enforcement measures. This ongoing process aims to further strengthen Norway's cybersecurity posture and ensure it remains aligned with evolving European standards.

Read more about NIS2 in Norway

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