Request a Security Center Demo Account

Please use this for to request a Security Center demo account.

FAQ About Security Center Demo Account

What are the Benefits of Using Holm Security's Demo Account for Security Center?

You will not have to set up your own test environments (with vulnerabilities) and arrange the Security Center demo account. We will do this for you.

What Are the Limitations of the Account?

The only limitation is that you will have read-only permissions. Accordingly, you can demonstrate but not make any changes to the demo account.

When Will I Get Access?

You will get access within a few days.

How Can I Use the Account?

The account can only be used for demonstrational purposes externally and internally. Please note that you will have read-only access, so you won't be able to make changes to the account, start scans, etc. We share the demo account with many users and must keep it clean.

How Many Users Can Use the Account?

You can have any number of users.